Dear Students and Parents and all the well wishers,

“Self-directed learners, compassionate leaders and responsible and useful citizens.”

In SIS, we enterprise to map academic excellence together with a good human value system, which in myriad ways is ingrained in the culture of the school. To achieve this, we strongly feel that a paradigm shift in the minds of all stake holders should take place so that when the school becomes the hub to initiate and formalise education it will have its tenets enshrined in a good value system; the extension of which will thereby be taken home where it will be further strengthened.

In recent years, education in our SCAD Schools has been centred on becoming student-centric and value-driven, in order to develop our pupils into Engaged Learners who will grow into ‘self-directed learners, compassionate leaders and responsible and useful citizens.’ In addition, we continue to develop our staff into Caring Educators and engage parents effectively to make them grow into Supportive Parents! Our commitment to such education will always persist in all our endeavours.

It was Margaret Mead who said “Children must be taught how to think,” and to enable this, our motto of Knowledge, Imagination and Innovation is encouraged through a holistic approach. “TO MOTIVATE THE WEAK, TO ADDRESS THE AVERAGE AND CHALLENGE THE GIFTED” is the teaching vision of our school.

Beyond results, SIS is about developing the students into whole-persons. Character development and leadership are just as important to us as academic results. Over the last few months, the school has done well with many new initiatives at all levels; the enhanced House System provided a platform for our students from all levels to interact and foster a strong sense of belonging to the school. In many ways, students were involved in the decision-making process and had to take responsibility for their actions. We also ensure that our pupils are also equipped with the relevant competencies to thrive in a globalised society. We believe that children should learn the academic and social skills that give them the qualities necessary to become independent, responsible, life-long learners. While instilling the importance of treating each other responsibly and always trying to do ones best we have created the tripartite school rule: Be respectful, Be responsible, Be Safe.

Dr. John Abraham
Director - SCAD Group of Schools