Introduction and Overview of PTA Roles

SCAD International School is a wonderful school because parents and staff work together for the welfare of the students.  This could not be accomplished without parental support and the volunteer contributions of parents just like you! Job descriptions for PTA board and committee chair roles are listed below.


What does the PTA do for the school?

The PTA works with parents and faculty to organize and facilitate events both during and after school hours that serve to enrich our children's educational experiences and build a stronger community. Some of the programs PTA helps support include: Carnival, Field Trips, Health and Wellness Committee and Global Committee.


Why should I serve on the PTA board?

1. Your child feels a sense of pride to know that his/her parent holds an office.

2. You get to meet and work with wonderful people!

3. You stay updated and informed on what is going on at our school.

4. You can more effectively suggest change at our school.

5. Everyone has different strengths and talents. Everyone has something unique to      

    offer our school and our children!




(Most responsibilities are on-going throughout the year)



·         Attends monthly PTA meetings

·         Votes on PTA issues, brought before the board

·         Helps with PTA activities as your schedule permits


PRESIDENT    (executive board member)

·         Attends Yearly PTA Convention

·         Manages overall objectives and strategies of PTA

·         Acts as liaison between parents and principal / staff

·         Presides over all PTA general and executive board meetings.

·         Chairs the Bylaws committee and review bylaws and standing rules annually,      

          formal adoption of new bylaws when needed

·         Creates and distributes monthly newsletter including (but not limited to:) PTA

          activities, upcoming events, Monthly volunteer hours and other pertinent PTA



VICE PRESIDENT      (executive board member)



·         Performs same duties as the President, in the absence or incapacity or request of President

·         Works alongside the President as an adviser, helper and trainee, preparing for

          future position as president

·         Supports the President by assisting to make sure the PTA is successful

·         Helps with board transitions

·         Helps execute activities as needed


TREASURER    (executive board member)

·         Tracks and records all financial transactions: membership dues, donations,

           receipts, disbursements

·         Keeps the PTA compliant with rules and regulations

·         Informs committees of budgeted funds

·         Pays bills and reimbursements as required

·         Ensures adherence to approved PTA budget

·         Prepares and presents budget/treasurers report for each PTA meeting

·         Prepares and presents year-end audit   


SECRETARY      (executive board member)

·         Records minutes at PTA meetings, submits minutes for inclusion on website,

          parent portal and posts to PTA Facebook

·         Creates agenda, with the help of other executive board member

·         Ensures Board members are reminded of meetings each month

·         Has the following on hand for reference at each meeting:

o   agendas and minutes

o   copies of treasurer's reports

o   approved budget

o   list of: membership and committees and their members

o   yearly calendar